Having standards makes it really, really hard for my ego to be fed. See, now my ego used to respond to sacrifices of drooling morons; now it only responds to boys with an extensive background in literature and the fine arts. These people by the way aren't common between the ages of 20-30, and probably not that common beyond those years either. This means my fucking ego is hungry, okay? I need someone to hold me and tell me that my gray hairs are distinguished, and that I look hot with an extra 5 pounds. This is getting ridiculous.
I went out with my friend AA last night, and we decided enough was enough. We were going to lower our normally sickeningly rigid screening process, and talk to some bros. I mean without giving them an IQ test beforehand. So we meet our valiant goal and end up talking to two strangers. Actually, for quite a while. Several shots and a cab ride to a 4 am bar later, we decided it was time for us to pass out (alone and clothed). We parted ways with our anonymous bar friends, and as is my custom, I did not give out my number. And only on our cab ride home did we realize...shit, those guys were actually cool and interesting.
I think I know what's happened to me. My screening process is so difficult that only about 10% of people will actually pass through it upon first encounter. And that part is fine. The troublesome part is, I have confused infrequency with impossibility. I just flat out assume that anyone I meet is a complete idiot, and I'm no longer willing to believe otherwise. Now do I think I missed out on the love(s) of my life? No, chances are, probably not. But I guess this missed encounter has taught me something; just because you keep your legs closed doesn't mean you have to keep your mind closed too.
Should I post an add on Craigslist?
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