Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ally knows best?

I like to consider myself a fairly open minded young adult. Ok, that's not entirely true. More accurately, I'm open minded to opinions that I don't find completely stupid.

In the last few years of my life I have developed strong opinions on topics such as: why certain people should have to take a written exam before being allowed to procreate, why people should not be married before the age of 25, and why people like the Situation should be banned from society, and more importantly, the media.

While I could sit here and rant on these topics for literally hours, instead, I'll focus on my most recent realization – I am always right. BUT, I might not always be right when it comes to what's best for other people.

Take my sister for example, Little A. She is still dating the BF I blogged about in a much earlier post. BF is, what I think, should be considered overly possessive and jealous. After talking to many people on the subject though, I have realized that maybe my perception of this is skewed because I apparently have an uncommon view of what should be considered a normal trust level.

Personally, any guy I date will have to be ok with the fact that I have a lot of close male friends and that I am a very cuddly individual and that I will, at times, unknowingly flirt with everything that moves. That does not mean I'm interested in other men or will be cheating on him. Having said that, I would obviously let him have female friends. People say that I'm too trusting and blah blah blah, but whatever, if one of us cheated because of that, then we'd be a terrible person and the other one would be better off anyway.
While Little A and I share DNA and clothes, she does not share my viewpoints on dating and we have had many discussions (read: screaming matches) on various topics. Recently, BF and I spent a great deal of quality time together and I remembered that I once liked him because he's actually a nice boy. Just a kind of jealous, immature, nice boy. I realized that BF makes Little A happy and he really really cares about her –his ways of caring are just a little different than I would like. Little A is ok with the relationship rules he has expressed, so who am I to tell her otherwise? I think that I'm still right in what should be considered crazy jealous, but I'm not right for what's best for her. She's ok with the fact that he is overly involved in who her friends are so how can I tell her that's a valid reason to dump him?

It's taken a while, but I've finally come to accept that while I have strong views on relationships, that doesn't mean they work for other people. My sister and I have tooootally different personalities and I can't expect the same type of relationship to make us both happy.

I still think most people shouldn't procreate

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