*I should be writing a 10 page paper right now. I am not.
I last left off rambling about getting rejected. I knew I needed to get out of my slump and what better day to do so than Valentine’s day? I can honestly say, I’m out of my slump. By the end of the night, I kissed 7 people (well, possibly 8, but since neither of us remember it, we’re not counting it). Granted we played spin the bottle and that’s where most of the numbers came from, but still- mission accomplished.
Cliffnotes version: Boy #1 and I started chatting by the bathroom while he was waiting in line and we start kissing. A few minutes later his grumpy friend told me that B1 had a girlfriend. B1 kept following me and asking for my phone number. After repeatedly saying no, staring blankly and walking away, and pretending my guy friend was my overprotective cousin, he left me alone. Well, the next morning I go on facebook and there’s a friend request from B1. Really. He didn’t even wait 12 hours to facebook stalk me. I thought that was kind of weird, that is until I realized he was REALLY attractive. He was also not listed in a relationship. (ok, I know that sounds pathetic. Whatever…)
I immediately send him an “I’m sorry for being rude last night” message and he responds and we start facebook instant messaging. He was being really nice and asking me all the questions he probably asked me the night before (or didn’t, depending on how long we talked before kissing) and kept saying cute things about my name (No, not ally. That’s a fake name. Do you REALLY think I want people knowing who I am?) Well the next day we start facebook chatting again. And he used the phrase “ite” repeatedly. As in “aight” which is short for “all right”. He made a slang term, for slang. He also kept typing “fone”. Now even though I knew the answer, I asked Ivy if I could pursue and like a boy who wrote “ite”. Her response? “No.” My next question was, “Is this a legitimate reason? Or am I being picky?” Ivy told me to blog it.
So. Standards. Personally, I try to get involved with guys who are smart. You know, guys who can correctly spell “phone”. Now, I don’t know if he’s just one of those annoying typers, or if he really thinks phone has an “F” in it, but I’ll find out soon enough…but the question remains, “What becomes an acceptable reason to stop pursuing someone?” Where do we draw the line between “character flaw” and “quirk”? To be perfectly honest, I have no idea. I think if I did, I wouldn’t have started a blog complaining that I’m single- and I sure as hell wouldn’t have kissed 7 or 8 people in one night if I had legitimate standards. And I think that’s where my problem stems from.
Everyone always says, “Don’t lower your standards. Don’t settle,” and I think that fear of settling has turned me into a picky person who looks at stupid little details that shouldn’t matter (oh, my god, my mother has been saying this to me for three years…she WAS right) If someone is nice and sweet and sincere, I shouldn’t care that he types like an idiot (realistically, I don’t have high hopes for this one, but for other reasons). Or I shouldn't care the guy who I develop a crush on is the same hight as me when I’m in flats. Or the guy who I really want to date, but don’t know if I can because his laugh is REALLY annoying. Those things are dumb and superficial. The things that matter should outweigh the dumb quirks. If he treats you nicely and has respect for you. If he’s honest and single- these are things that are non-negotiable. If he’s not all of those things, he’s no good. Everyone has their list of necessary characteristics that they’re not willing to compromise on, and to some extent I think that’s important- as long as it’s realistic. Not everyone is meant to end up with an attractive, nice, smart, athletic, sensitive, cultured, guitar-playing guy. You know why? They really don't exist. People aren't perfect (well, I like to think I am...but even I have my flaws...very few, but I have them).
Realizing my mother was riiiiiiig...(I don't even want to say it)
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