Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let me start off by telling you a little story:

Last year, my then 8 year old sister looked me square in the eye and said, "Ally, you're 19. When are you getting a boyfriend? You need one soon because you're getting old."  I then sat her down and gave her a nice chat about why women don't need men and are capable of leading successful, fulfilling, independent lives by themselves. (If only I would take my own advice ever) 

Now, what would prompt a little 8 year old to start thinking these things? Well, it was probably the phone conversation she overheard my mother and I having a few weeks prior on Valentine's day. The cliffnotes version was this: "Ally, you're single because it's your fault. You're too picky and don't give guys a chance."  It ended with me shouting, "well you know what, I'm becoming a nun anyway so it doesn't matter." And then I hung up. I should have said, "No, mom, it's because the boys that I meet while intoxicated only want to hang out with me for weekend hookups." But I decided not to. This year, I know better and will avoid talking to any and all family members at all cost. Especially my SEVENTEEN year old sister- who is in a happy relationship with Mr. Perfect Teenage Boyfriend.  Seriously, she's three years younger than me- she shouldn't be ALLOWED to have a successful relationship first.  The worst part is, I know her wonderful boyfriend will do something great and I'll have to hear about it and be happy for her. Or at least pretend. 

But the only thing worse than hearing about all the happy couples who do ridiculously cute things for each other on this stupid day are all those couples who say, "We hate Valentine's Day..."  THEY should not be allowed to hate Valentine's Day.  Why would you hate a day that's all about you? That's like hating your birthday.  But the excuse is all the same; they all think Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday.  And you know what? They're right. It is. But it still really sucks for the rest of us. Whether these couples are celebrating or not, they get to take comfort in the fact that they're not single. Me on the other hand? I'll be taking comfort in the massive amounts of chocolate that I'll be buying for myself.  

I agree with Ivy, though. There needs to be a special day dedicated to singles so we don't have to sit at home alone eating Ben & Jerry's.  As for everyone who thinks everyday is single's day, it's like when we were little and we'd always say, "Mom, have Mother's Day and Father's Day....why isn't there a kid's day?" And they'd always respond "Everyday is kids day." No. It's not. That's just a dumb answer that 5 year old kids will buy.  I'm not 5 anymore so I don't buy that everyday is singles day too.  I want a day where I can get a card celebrating the fact that I'm happy (well, pretending to be) that I'm single.  On second thought, scratch that, it's just as depressing- actually, having singles day might be more depressing.

Either way, I know all my whining isn't going to fix anything or make me less depressed that I'll be all alone this weekend- and by all alone I mean at a single's party.


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