I felt like I needed to write something based on Ivy's last post about dating for labels and not for people. Remember Lunch Date (lame label)? Well, he and I were supposed to meet up on Saturday, and I did not get a text around 11 or 12 as I was informed, but instead received a text at 2 am. Two in the freaking morning. Unfortunately, I was already in a cab headed home crying over losing MIT boy (see, again with the labels). Well in addition to MIT boy, on Monday we were out at our favorite trendy hipster bar when I turn around to find that I was face to face with a C-list celeb from a popular Vh1 dating show. And we all know how I'm a sucker for shitty TV. Well, that night ended with C-lister giving me his number. So basically, in the last few days I met a boy who is a legit rocket scientist from MIT and a guy from Vh1. And there's Lunch Date (who has a lame label) who pseudo stood me up, so naturally, he sucks.
But then, ladies (and gents?), something happened. Lunch Date called Monday. And asked me out for Thursday. And I fear it's too late for him. "Why?" you ask. Because, like Ivy, I'm so caught up in labels and man fads and gimmicks (helloooo, Vh1 star), Lunch Date is boring now. Don't get me wrong, he's a very nice guy but he's got average good looks, is of average intelligence and humor, and has a typical city businessman job. And I no longer like him. He's not bringing anything new to the table and he doesn't put forth any more effort than is typically required to date someone. Ivy asked today if I was even a little excited for the date; I responded, "I'm more excited to watch Garden State for the first time ever."
But here's the thing. I'm not sure if the problem with him is that I'm caught up with the really interesting guys I've met (ok, it has a LITTLE something to do with that). I think what has happened is these guys have shown me that I don't have to just settle for the first nice guy who buys me a meal and a $12 drink. I've discovered that attractive and interesting people DO like me. After the date a while back, I thought I found a great guy- but after some thought, I realized that I was just settling for a fallback boyfriend. He's disposable and easily replaceable (well, maybe not THAT easy, I mean, I'm still single...) I don't want easily replaceable. I want a guy who is one of a kind (God, I can be cliche sometimes). But here's the catch, I can't let it get to my head (which, by the way, my ego is HUGE after this weekend). While I was crying over MIT, Ivy was kind enough to tell me that I could have one of her Yale boy's friends...and at the time I MAY have been a bit emotional and yelled that Yale was only third best, and therefore not good enough for me. I was on the El. In the early afternoon. Oops.
The point here is simple though. Settling for someone who's "decent" is stupid. You won't be happy. If you look for better, you'll get what's better. Now, I'm not going to try to figure out if that's being too shallow or not, but you know what, it's more fun. I macked on a rocket scientist and a C-list celeb within 2 days of each other. Will I see them again? Probably not. But they were sure as heck more fun than an Average Joe.
Planning on making socialite status by 25
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